Hyperbaric oxygenation - the miracle cure
Accelerate your healing processes: the hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a special oxygen treatment, in which you breathe oxygen under pressure. This supports bacteria control and frees bodily substances that promote the healing process.
„The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.” – Gary Brecka
The hyperbaric oxygen chamber is a special oxygen treatment, in which you lay in a chamber and breathe in oxygen while being put under pressure. The air pressure within the chamber is raised double or triple the amount of the normal oxygen level. This enables the lung to take in more oxygen, which then aids in fighting bacteria and releases substances from within the body to promote healing processes.
A turbo for the healing process
Increased oxygen levels that reach areas of poor blood flow or even hypoxic areas (such as injuries or more severe wounds) naturally help the body heal and regenerate faster.
Your benefits with regular treatments:
- increase healing processes (e.g. after operations or long covid)
- reduce stress
- improved circulation
- strengthened immune system
- normalize cellular metabolism
- alleviate swelling
- increase and deepen sleep
- increase performance
- increase your energy
- reduce inflammation
Treatment duration: 60 min
Combination with: Electromagnetic field treatment, Redlight therapy, and Cold bath treatment
Recommended use: daily when actively sick, 1x a week for preservation
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Self care
The pulsed electromagnetic field treatment belongs to the naturopathic methods. Just a few minutes of exposure to these artificially generated magnetic currents is enough, to promote healing processes throughout the body and normalize disrupted cellular functions.
Increased oxygenation nourishes your cells and speeds up every healing system in your body. Master your breathing - master your health! Oxygen controls most processes in the body and also the immune system.
The red light actually helps against many complaints. Muscle tension is relieved, sore throats subside and sinusitis subsides more quickly. The light treatment promotes healing processes strengthens the immune system and improves the complexion.
Infrared rays are the healthiest for the body The rays penetrate deep into the skin and release harmful substances from the cells that have accumulated there. The cells are vitalized and the metabolism is stimulated. An indispensable, direct way to rid the body of unwanted, disease-causing substances.
Regeneration and relaxation of muscles. As a result, many people feel fresher, more vital and more balanced. In addition, the whole-body cold treatment can positively influence ailments such as migraines, mild depression and sleep disorders.
Hyperbaric oxygenation - the miracle cure. During treatment in a pressure chamber, the body receives pure oxygen at higher atmospheric pressure, thereby increasing the flow of oxygen in the circulatory system.
Treatment of cellulite and tightening of the skin. LPG® is deeply effective, gentle and works without surgical intervention. LPG® Endermologie activates the "dormant" cells through mechanical stimulation of the tissue - fat cells are activated and broken down.
Body styling with a feel-good character. Die Kompressions-Behandlung unterstützt den effektiven Abbau von Cellulite. Da die Lymphe träge ist und keinen eigenen Kreislauf besitzt, wird der Lymphfluss mechanisch durch Gleitwellenmassage angeregt.
Figurforming mit der Bodyforming-Behandlung! For body shaping, the electromagnetic procedure offers a particularly important aspect: body fats are reduced and muscles are built up at the same time - exactly where the treatment takes place - on the abdomen, thighs and arms as well as the buttocks.
At RE-GEN, the so-called Energy Protocol a very special attention. We expose your body to three of the earth's natural elements: Magnetism, Oxygen and Light. In this order.